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Morphia (played by Alex Michaels) and Crizwell (played by Joseph Miller) discuss their plans for world domination.

The Men in Black (played by Joseph Miller and Warren Madden) are ordered to pay a visit to Ted (played by Raymond Couto).

Lilith (played by Lara Stewart) and the guys go to investigate the recent rash of grave robbings at the local cemetary to find it full of ex-boyfriends (played by Joel D. Wynkoop), aliens and zombies!

Domino (played by Jose Ortega) comes home with good news to find Lilith (played by Lara Stewart) watching the guys huffing paint and watching the movie "Lost Faith" on television. While Domino tries to talk to Lilith, a Special News Bulletin interrupts their conversation with a report of a recent grave robbing. With the thrill of this news, Lilith blows off Domino to go with the guys down to the grave yard for a chance to see the grave robbers in action.

Detective Gustavo Perez tells his story to the only person who will listen...

David "The Rock" Nelson describes the spaceship and robot "Mongo" he witnessed.

Zombies are coming back from the dead and alien abducties assume new identities, like Coast to Coast AM's Art Bell.

The reality of reality. Featured at the end of the 2004 film "Brain Robbers from Outer Space"

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